Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Dishwasher memes & tips

If you work as a cook at a restaurant, you might have started as a dishwasher (DW). We lovingly call it the "Dish Pit". The dish area is a black hole for unorganized madness. Dishwashers are the masters of organization, when done right! Everyone else... well... they test the DW's patience.

It's intimidating to find haphazardly organized dishes all over the place in the dish pit. Sometimes the DW's will leave those messes alone until someone else, who's brave enough, comes along and organizes it for him/her!
Who wants to deal with something like this?:
When it's busy and we're short staffed, things can get really ugly. I often find the dish pit like this. Not fun!

I'm a very patient person and working the dish pit really tests my anger management skills. I get really angry when things get like this, so that's when I start being more aggressive and tackle the task like a mean, old grump. I don't lash out on anyone so I get really quiet and ignore people. I tend to take things out on inanimate objects.

Sometimes the DW's let things build up, so someone else in the kitchen has to pick up the slack. I get it. It's tiring since you're going ALL THE TIME. There's no shortage of dirty dishes... but EVERYONE RELIES ON THE DISHWASHER! EVERYONE! So...
  • Aside from actually cleaning the dishes, the DW's main duty is to make sure EVERYONE IS STOCKED! Yeah, you may have stacks of clean dishes in the pit but they're not doing anyone any good to leave them there. 
  • Organize and prioritize. It's easier to keep the same type of dishes together, so unloading the dishwashing machine is faster and easier.
  • While the machine is going, don't just stand there! There are other dishes to be manually scrubbed.
  • Clean the area as you go. You're the last person, aside from management, who's left in the restaurant. Cleaning now means less cleaning later! This means you could possibly get out earlier.

I probably have more tips but that's a start.

The DW position is the least respected BUT the most appreciated position in the restaurant. Those employees who can keep up with the demand gets the most recognition *tips hat to those DWs with that unenviable task*...
...but don't forget the pantry guy, huh? I mean I put up with servers all the time, the kitchen staff actively avoids being in the servers' path, while I keep things running up front? HUH? Oops, I digress... Don't mind the hostility... HUH?!?!? I'm kidding. Maybe... 😏

I have a few more memes to share with you:

We wear our work
Getting wet around a dishwasher? OMG!
It's a mental exercise too.
This needs no caption...
It's hard to find memes that are not sexist about dishwashers! Anyway... Cheers!

Images courtesy of:

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