Sunday, February 4, 2018

For a Sassy Redhead (blog intro)

This is for Kristen. Yeah... the lengths I go to for my coworkers! I often write about my nights at work and sometimes they're helpful for those who didn't work that night. Was it busy or slow? How was everyone's attitude? Any gossip (I really don't like gossip but I overhear things)? Was corporate there to pester anyone?

I'm not going to name the place I'm working at or the full names of my coworkers, just to be respectful. But people may piece things together in the future. I won't get into any secret sauce ingredients or refer to any methods used, or badmouth any practices management imposes on people. I value my job and I've learned a lot!

I work at a kitchen position for a restaurant although I'm surrounded by servers. Normally a kitchen person stays in the hot kitchen, but not me. I'm in the front end in the path of people who actually have to deal with customers. It would be nice if the front was wider because it gets crowded up there! One time I joked that I'm glad I'm not claustrophobic, to which someone replied, "You're insane!" We have to be insane to work at a busy restaurant. My excuse anyway.

I work pantry. I make salads, scoop ice cream, bake bread, and flirt with all the cute servers (even you, Devin! Even though I'm totally straight). I joke around, make eye contact whenever I can, address people by name, and make sure everything is stocked up and ready for people when they need it. I don't really consider myself a flirt though... maybe I'm a playful flirt. I don't know. At some point or another, people will flirt with each other. It's life. It's hard work. It's stress relief. Flirting is part of the circle of life. It happens all the time at your place of employment, no matter where you work. The point, for me, is getting people out of their heads and away from the stress. There's nothing like seeing the "shine" of people, that moment when they're most relaxed and where their smile is all natural and beautiful. Laughter is truly the best medicine.

I learned a lot about myself, courtesy of my coworkers and this job. I was diagnosed with a slight anxiety disorder and mild depression, and I just turned 45 years old and I'm surrounded by people in their twenties. I developed a lot of life changing skills during my short year-and-a-half while working at this restaurant, like realizing these diagnoses do not define me. In fact, the anxiety and depression are side effects of being a highly sensitive person (HSP I learned to slow myself down, it's not a fast food restaurant and waiting is part of the restaurant experience! There's no pressure anymore. No anxiety. Everything will happen in a timely manner. I created a workflow to make it easier for myself and for my coworkers. I do get irritated though. Shit happens. Good thing my bullshit tolerance is high.

I used to worry about the age difference between me and my coworkers. They taught me, as long as I don't make an issue out of anything, that it doesn't matter! It's all about how we make each other feel. They make me feel splendid, baby! So I return the favor.

 Whew! What a wordy introduction. Time to rest.

Images courtesy of:

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