Sunday, February 4, 2018

Restaurant server memes

 Technically pantry is a kitchen position, but I'm around servers all the time. I do not envy servers.
  • Balances heavy trays of food and drink, with occasional mishaps. Sometimes I clean up after them since they have to serve their guests. Shit happens.
  • Often cuts in line to do their salad orders. That's fine... 😣 Understandable though. Those servers who do help me out in pantry are greatly appreciated.
  • Sometimes I'm a crossover employee. I sometimes pick up their slack. I'm told it's not my job but when they're behind, and I'm not, I can help out.
  • Sometimes ignores the bread oven timer. Can be irritating. That's okay because the servers know my job too. Fine. Finish your order so I can get the bread 😝
  • Sometimes they take the bread out of the oven without putting in a new tray. Do you want another 10 minute wait on bread during dinner rush? Do ya? Hmmm?
  • It gets rather intimate at times on the front end. Proper hygiene is a must. Beware of my boney elbows though since they're lethal. The front end is a very narrow corridor and people need to get from one side to the other. I need to stock things.
  • Servers have to deal with rude guests. I've had my share of customer and guests at other jobs. I do what I can, in classic introvert style, to lower stress levels. Humor and appreciation.
  • Often servers will need to revise orders after they ring it in. They have a lot going on and... well... shit happens. 
  • I'm the odd duck πŸ¦†in a pond of servers. The ones I work with have great personalities! If their attitude was negative all the time, I'm sure I wouldn't have lasted as long as I have, so thank you!
And now for the memes:
Yep, I've heard the stories *being a server
There we have it! Be our guest :D
Lovely dinner rushes
Now who picks up the slack?
End the hunger!
Servers have an arsenal of pens... if they're prepared
*Groan* honesty is a rarity
Tip your servers, people!
I groan at this on Facebook all the time
Celebration time!
It gets rather... intimate. The bread oven has become my secret lover.
Images courtesy of:

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