My experience as a pantry cook at a busy restaurant. Memes, humor, and tips!
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Typical Night in Pantry
I normally come early so I can have my nicotine, get dressed (no I'm not naked beforehand!), wash hands, then clock on to participate in the insanity. Here's my typical night:
I walk into the restaurant.
Obviously, unless it was an outdoor restaurant. Outdoor restaurant in the Willamette Valley? Get real.
I say ,"Hi" to coworkers.
They'll normally say, "Hi" back. We're not stuck up! I make sure I get to know everyone's name. They really appreciate it when they're recognized. I was recently thanked for talking to someone who was rarely talked to. My dad has shown me that it only takes one person to make another person's day. Could you be that person?
I check reservations.
It's really nice to know what the night is going to bring so we can prepare for it.
I hang out near the food warmer when it's cold.
I'm half Eskimo but the other half is white. I'm blame my white half for being cold.
Sometimes someone would want me to clock on early.
It depends on how busy it is, but I can wait if it's not. Someone told me my middle name should be patience. I already go by my middle name, which is Scott. My first name is Aaron. How awkward is Aaron Scott Patience Kingston? My initials wouldn't be as cool... ASPK instead of ASK. Go ahead, ASK me for my initials.
I clock on.
I need to get paid.
I check how much I need to stock.
Sometimes pantry is stocked when I clock on. Sometimes it's a total disaster. What I like about the pantry position is that I can normally get it caught up within an hour, depending on how busy it is.
I stock.
A running pantry is a stocked pantry. That's what my momma always says. No, she never said that.
I scoop ice cream.
I'm always complimented on my ice cream scoops. I've seen better.
I make salads and bake bread.
Better than baking salads and making bread.
I stock.
A running pantry is a stocked pantry. Déjà Vu. Welcome to the Matrix.
I take a break... or two... or three. Rarely take them consecutively.
That rhymed.
I make it through dinner rush
Sometimes the rush is delayed, which is bad for the closers.
I stock
Déjà Vu. Featuring Van Hagar:
As I said before, pantry is a kitchen position that's surrounded by servers. It gets busy up front and it's really hard to get around sometimes. The managers will often get into discussions right in the middle of the aisle. If you're haphephobic (fear of being touched), or claustrophobic, then you're going to have a long night!
Once things die down, then we can focus on closing the pantry station. Sometimes I get sent home early, sometimes I don't. I'd like to get as much done before I leave though. It also depends on how we're staffed too. Maybe Dish will need some help so they can get out. Sometimes I'll do a trash and recycling run. That can get messy.
And now is the time everyone loves at a restaurant...
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